Thursday, January 28, 2010


While gearing up for the 2010 season we are proud to announce some of our favorite partners from 2009 are back on board, while we are happy to add a newcomer! The MIX 1 team will be in attendance at the Summer OPEN, Outdoor Divas, Harvest Moon, XTERRA Lory, and Oktoberfest Triathlons.

Once you finish your recovery protein shake be sure to wander over to the Oogave Van that will be following the Without Limits Tour this Summer. Oogave' is a locally produce agave' sweetened soda that is sure to quench your thirst! Last year they gave a case for us to take home and it lasted a whole 24hrs before I was fighting Tony for the last Key Lime Mandarin Soda!

New to the tour this Summer is Rush Bowls. The blended bowls that the Rush team has created are not only unique but quite revolutionary. Inspired by the rapid success of our Açaí bowl line, Rush decided to experiment with the bowl concept on a broader level by created 10 additional flavors!

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