Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank you to Web Developer Dave Meas of Zeal Optics!

After burning the midnight oil designing, editing, refining, and encoding we are proud to say the new Without Limits Website is live and complete! A big thank you goes out to all our supporters, family, and friends for their feedback throughout the process. The majority of the credit and genius behind this project goes out to Dave Meas of Zeal Optics. 4 cups of espresso and you should see this man behind the computer, it's truly a site to see. A guess a thank you to Saeco is in order as well, we couldn't have done it without that shiny little espresso machine! I can't forget to thank Ryan Walker for his 3D creation of our spinning logo and video editing on the Harvest Moon Highlights! Stay posted for some refined features and new race sites as we continue to push the boundaries and give the community what they crave; fun, creative, affordable, and challenging endurance events the Without Limits way!

1 comment:

DEM said...

Yeah! Right on Dave!