Sunday, January 31, 2010

XTERRA And Mix 1 Challenge

We wrapped up our "first 10 to register in 2010" prizes. Congratulations to Nicky Norton for winning a new pair of Zeal Optics! Now it's time for us to get the amazing products and gift certificates from our supporters out to the athletes! If XTERRA Trivia just isn't your thing, that's okay, we'll have more prize competitions [Facebook Without Limits Productions Group] in the coming months that continue to excite you for the 2010 Triathlon Season.

To play, simply post your answer on the Without Limits Productions Facebook Group wall. We'll be sure to announce the winner as soon as we see a correct answer. A case of Mango Mix 1 will be shipped to the winner's doorstep! If there's multiple right answers with in a short time-frame, that's easy! We'll just send out more prizes!

Trivia: Correctly name all 6 XTERRA Races that have been produced in Colorado since 1998 and list them in sequential order starting with the first one! [Hint: #6 is new to Colorado in 2010]

Registration for all 2010 WITHOUT LIMITS events is open, and the Summer OPEN on May 23rd is already 25% full! Check out the full calendar at the new website

MIX 1 products deliver all-natural balanced nutrition with multiple benefits in a convenient way. 15 grams of whey protein isolate combined with 3 servings of fruits and veggies form the perfect recovery shake!

Thank you to all our athletes and supporters as we look forward to a great 2010!

- Lance, Tony, and Candy

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